Streamline your workflow with Snipline

Snipline is a developer tool for organizing shell commands. Store your complex commands with dynamic parameters for easy retrieval with a fast workflow in mind.

One App. Countless Benefits.

One app, you can access from anywhere, at a price of your choosing, with unlimited use case possibilities.

Keyboard-First Interface

Speed up your flow by searching and copy commands without even touching your mouse.

Powerful Dynamic Snippets

Use variables and multi-choice presets to copy commands for each use.

Endless Use Cases

Use Snipline for storing anything. Excel Formulas, SQL queries, SSH commands, anything!

No Device Limit

Use your account on infinite devices.

Frequent Updates

New features are added regularly. See our roadmap for what’s to come.

Unlimited Snippets*

No caps or tiers. Create as many snippets as your heart desires.
*Fair use policy

Desktop App

Streamline your workflow by using the Desktop app available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Web App

Access your snippets on any internet connected device - perfect when you’re on the go.

Dark Mode

Do you come alive at night? We've got your back.

Import/Export Snippets

Keep a local copy or share with friends.

Advanced Search

Fine-tune your search results with Lunr.js

Organize Snippets w/ Tags

Arrange your snippets into categories for fast filtering.

Excellent Documentation

From Getting Started to Advance Usage. Become a pro in no time.

Snipbar & SnipCLI

Two new blazing fast apps for additional Snipline access.

Password Syntax

Easily generate random passwords on the fly.

[php] cpanel php location
curl '<URL>' -X '<Type>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer …
Create MySQL Database (While in MySQL)
Systemlink directory
ln -s <Source><Destination>
Pretty Curl JSON to file
curl '<URL>' -X '<Type>' -H 'Authorization: Bear…
Summary of subdirectory sizes
du -h --max-depth=1 <Directory>
[tx] Tar zip extract
tar -xvzf <File><Optional Location>
Command (:)

Quickly store and access snippets

Store as many snippets as you like in one easy, quick place you access anywhere, any time.

Use Snipline to suit your daily tasks

Use Snipline to add any snippet you frequently use in your daily tasks. Excel Formulas, SQL queries, SSH commands, anything!


The MacOS Menu Bar App for Snipline

Increase your productivity with the blazing fast native Snipbar app.

  • Customisable global keybind
  • Native UI with light/dark mode
  • In-app vim keybinds
  • Search & copy commands without leaving your terminal
  • Spotlight intergration
  • Lightweight ~5MB install
  • Available on the Mac App Store


The Commandline Counterpart

Use Snipline without leaving the comfort of your terminal.

  • Free and Open Source
  • Sync snippets from your Snipline account
  • Search and run commands directly from the terminal
  • Web interface that's usable offline
  • Built in Crystal and runs on MacOS and Linux
  • Available from Homebrew, Snapcraft, or build from source

Try Snipline Free

Cloud-based so you can use it on multiple machines, Desktop apps and Web access and more apps coming soon for Mobile and Command-line.